Online Wen Bing Training - 6 x 3 hours


In this 6 x 3 hours online training Greta Young will elaborate on one of her specialties in TCM: Wen Bing. She will discuss typical Wen Bing pathologies, treatment principles and formulas with practical application in the clinic.

Outline for the Six Weeks Wen Bing Course
By Dr. Greta Young Jie De (Ph.D)
Lecture One: 8th October 2022

  • Introduction and History of Wen Bing
  • Difference between Shang Han and Wen Bing
  • Five Major Wen Bing Schools
  • Different Categories of Wen Bing: (1) Newly-contraction; (2) Latent pathogen
  • Feng Wen (wind warmth), Chun Wen (Spring Warmth), Shu Wen (Summer Warmth), Shi Wen (Dasmp-Warmth), Qiu Zao (Autumn Dryness), Fu Shu (Latent Summer heat Warmth) , Wen Du (Warm Toxin)
  • Major Treatment Strategies of Wen Bing 

Lecture Two: 29th October 2022

  • Concept of Feng Wen
  • Aetiology and Pathogenesis of Feng Wen
  • Treatment of Feng Wen
  • Yin Qiao San
  • Sang Ju Yin
  • Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang
  • Venting Strategy: Application of Wind herbs
  • Concept of Jiao Yao (Corner herbs)
  • Jiao Yao for Feng Wen

Lecture Three: 12th November 2022

  • Definition of Chun Wen
  • Aetiology and pathogenesis of Chun Wen
  • Clinical Application of Qing Ying Tang
  • Clinical Application of Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang
  • Five Purging Formulae in Wen Bing
  • Jiao Yao for Chun Wen

Lecture Four: 26th November 2022

  • Definition of Shi Wen (Damp Warmth)
  • Aetiology and pathogenesis of Shi Wen
  • Clinical Application of  San Ren Tang
  • Clinical Application of Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan
  • Bai Hu Tang + Cang Zhu
  • Acrid Opening and Bitter Discharging
  • Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang, Xiao Xian Xiong Tang
  • Jiao Yao for Shi Wen

Lecture Five: 3rd December 2022

  • Definition of Fu Shu (Latent Summer Heat Warmth)
  • Concept of latent pathogen and clinical applications
  • Applications of Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang
  • Definition of Qiu Zao (Autumn Dryness)
  • Aetiology and pathogenesis of Qiu Zao
  • Clinical application of Sang Xing Tang
  • Clinical application of Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang
  • Case Studies

Lecture Six: 17th December 2022

Lecture Six: 17th December  2022   Time: 7-10 pm (Daylight Saving)

  • Three essential Wen Bing formulae to treat epidemic: Da Yuan Yin, Sheng Jiang San, Qing Wen Bai Du Yin
  • Five Wen Bing Purging formulae
  • Applications of Jiao Yao
  • Treatment of stubborn cough
  • Case Studies
  • Detailed applications of Xing Ren based on “Wen Bing Tian Bian”
  • Group Discussions on your comprehension of Wen Bing Treatment approach

Learning Outcome:

  • You will have a comprehensive understanding of the key treatment strategies of Wen Bing and how some of the Wen Bing formulae can be used to treat many internal diseases. 
  • You will have a full comprehensive of how Wen Bing diagnosis differs from the Six Channels Pattern Identifications in Shang Han.
  • An introduction of the Clinical application of Jiao Yao 角药
  • How to apply the wind herbs to enhance your Treatment outcome

Concept of the Jiao Yao or Corner Herbs
The definition of “Jiao Yao 角药“ is the combination of three herbs in a group such as Ma Huang, Lian Qiao and Chi Xiao Dou” or “Huang Lian, Wu Zhu Yu and Shi Hu”. The concept is based on [Dao De Jing: Chapter 42]: said: “The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three produced All things.” This literally means that there is a formation of a three-legged condition like a triangle implying the relationships of the three herbs have an effect of being opposite with simultaneous unification creating a condition whereby the outcome is being both opposite and complementary.

This means that Yin and yang elements are both opposites and at the same time unified suggesting that apart from yin and yang, there is a condition of combined yin and yang. In accordance to the eight guiding principles, all the elements are not totally opposite ie heat and cold per se and clinically there can be a complex heat and cold; thus a heat pattern can incorporate cold and vice versa.

Conversely, an excess pattern can be a complex excess and deficiency pattern. For example, the stagnation of blood stasis may impede the engendering of new blood and creating a deficient pattern.  Another example of qi deficiency may affect the circulation of blood and water movement. 

Clinically, Jiao Yao can be divided into four categories: (1) Complementary; (2) Simultaneous treatment of multiple aetiologies; (3) Combination of opposite herbs; (4) Adjuvant correction. An example of the Adjuvant correction herbs is: Huang Qi and Dang Gui are both tonifying and warm herbs and are not appropriate for patient suffering from deficiency of qi and blood with deficient heat. Therefore, Zhi Mu is added in the group to negate the warm properties of Huang Qi and Dang Gui. 

TCM Herbalists

€495,- including hand-out (ppt)

8-10-2022 van 10:00 tot 13:00
29-10-2022 van 10:00 tot 13:00
12-11-2022 van 09:00 tot 12:00 (daylight saving time Melbourne)
26-11-2022 van 09:00 tot 12:00 (daylight saving time Melbourne)
03-12-2022 van 09:00 tot 12:00 (daylight saving time Melbourne)
17-12-2022 van 09:00 tot 12:00 (daylight saving time Melbourne)

8-10-2022 van 10:00 tot 13:00
29-10-2022 van 10:00 tot 13:00

12-11-2022 van 09:00 tot 12:00 (daylight saving time Melbourne)
26-11-2022 van 09:00 tot 12:00 (daylight saving time Melbourne)
03-12-2022 van 09:00 tot 12:00 (daylight saving time Melbourne)
17-12-2022 van 09:00 tot 12:00 (daylight saving time Melbourne)

Geaccrediteerd door de SNRO (Stichting Nederlands Register voor Opleidingen) hierdoor geldt de accreditatie bij een groot aantal beroepsverenigingen. Enkele hiervan zijn:

BATC (Belangen Associatie Therapeut en Consument)
FAGT (Federatie voor Additief Geneeskundige Therapeuten)
NVST (Nederlandse Vereniging van Soma Therapeuten)
LVNT (Landelijke Vereniging van Natuurgeneeskundig Therapeuten)
VBAG (Vereniging ter Bevordering van Alternatieve Geneeswijze)
Andere Beroepsverenigingen die zich alleen richten op TCG-therapeuten:

Geaccrediteerd door:
NVTCG Zhong (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde) voor 18 NAP in cat 1

Daarnaast ook in aanvraag bij:
NVA (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Acupunctuur) code ATK